vSphere to vCD VPG Management APIs
Important: This document is being phased out and does not contain up-to-date information. For updated API documentation for Zerto versions 9.5 and later, see ZVM REST API - Swagger.
You can also access Swagger from the ZVM: click the menu button () on the top right and select APIs or navigate to https://<ZVM IP>:9669/swagger/index.html in a Windows ZVM or https://<ZVM IP>/management/api/swagger/index.html in ZVM Appliance.
Using the VpgSettings APIs, you can create, edit and delete VPGs from a protected vSphere site to a recovery vCD site.
The VPGSettings parameters are the same across all platforms. In the case of vSphere to vCD, only RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier and RecoveryStoragePolicyIdentifier are parameters which are specific to vCD.
This section includes the following:
• | Create New VPG Settings |
• | Edit Existing VPG Settings |
• | Delete Existing VPG Settings |
Create New VPG Settings
To create a VPG, run the following APIs:
1. | Get a VPG Settings Identifier |
2. | Get an Empty VPG Template |
3. | Add Values in the Empty VPG Template |
4. | Get a Full VPG Template |
Get a VPG Settings Identifier
Run this API to get a VPG settings identifier. With the VPG Settings Identifier, you can request for an empty VPG template.
Request Body Using Json Format
Method |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
Request Body Using Json Format
You can create a skeleton VPG settings object by using the following request body:
Response In Json Format
The following is an example response.
"VpgSettingsIdentifier": "String content"
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier of the VPG settings. |
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Get an Empty VPG Template
Run this API to get an empty VPG template for a new VPG. Use this template to add values for the VPG Settings Identifier. See Add Values in the Empty VPG Template.
Method |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{VpgSettingsIdentifier} |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier of the VPG settings. |
Request Body Using Json Format
Request Body Using Json Format
The request body is empty.
Response In Json Format
The following is an example response.
"Basic": {
"JournalHistoryInHours": number,
"Name": "String Content",
"Priority": "String Content",
"ProtectedSiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RecoverySiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RpoInSeconds": Number,
"ServiceProfileIdentifier": "String Content",
"UseWanCompression": Boolean,
"ZorgIdentifier": "String Content"
"BootGroups": {
"BootDelayInSeconds": Number,
"BootGroupIdentifier": "String Content",
"Name": "String Content"
"Journal": {
"DatastoreIdentifier": "String Content",
"Limitation": {
"HardLimitInMB": Number,
"HardLimitInPercent": Number,
"WarningThresholdInMB": Number,
"WarningThresholdInPercent": Number
"LongTermRetention": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"RepositoryIdentifier": "repositoryIdentifier",
"RetentionRunTime": "hh:mm",
"RetentionSchedulePolicy": {
"Daily": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Weekly": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"DayOfWeek": "Sunday..Saturday",
"RetentionType": "Full|Incremental",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"DayOfWeek: "Sunday..Saturday",
"WeekOfMonth": "First|Second|Third|Fourth|Last",
"DayOfMonth": "1..28|Last",
"RetentionType": "Full|Incremental",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Yearly": {
"Enabled": Boolean,
"DayOfWeek": "Sunday..Saturday",
"DayOfYear": "First|Last",
"MonthOfYear": "January..December",
"DayOfMonth": "1..31",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Retry": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"NumberOfAttempts": "Integer",
"IntervalInMinutes": "Integer"
"Indexing": {
"Vms": [ "VmIdentifier" ]
"Networks": {
"Failover": {
Hypervisor": {
"DefaultNetworkIdentifier": "String Content"
"VCD": "String Content"
"FailoverTest": {
"Hypervisor": {
"DefaultNetworkIdentifier": "String Content"
"VCD": "String Content"
"Protected": {
"VCD": {
"Recovery": {
"DefaultDatastoreClusterIdentifier": "String Content",
"DefaultDatastoreIdentifier": "String Content",
"DefaultFolderIdentifier": "String Content",
"DefaultHostClusterIdentifier": "String Content",
"DefaultHostIdentifier": "String Content",
"ResourcePoolIdentifier": "String Content"
"VCD": {
"Scripting": {
"PreRecovery": {
"Command": "String Content",
"Parameters": "String Content",
"TimeoutInSeconds": Number
"Vms": [],
"VpgIdentifier": "String Content",
"VpgSettingsIdentifier": "String Content"
Add Values in the Empty VPG Template
Once you get the empty template, add values for the new VPG by running a PUT API. The empty template includes mandatory fields for creating a VPG. The mandatory fields are specified in the Request Body Using Json Format.
By running the PUT API with a value in RecoveryOrgVdcIdentifier, you are defining the recovery site as a vCD site. When RecoveryOrgVdcIdentifier is set, both the RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier and RecoveryStoragePolicyIdentifier get a default value.
After adding the values in the empty template, run a GET API to receive the full template, with the newly defined parameters and their sub-parameters. Run a PUT API to add values for the sub-parameters. See Get a Full VPG Template.
Once all parameters are set, commit the changes using POST commit with the full JSON request body to create a VPG:
Method |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{VpgSettingsIdentifier} |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
Request Body Using Json Format
Request Body Using Json Format
The following is an example vSphere to vCD request Json body.
"Basic": {
"Name": "string content",
"ProtectedSiteIdentifier": "string content",
"RecoverySiteIdentifier": "string content"
"ServiceProfileIdentifier": "string content"
"Networks": {
"Failover": {
"VCD": {
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"FailoverTest": {
"VCD": {
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"Recovery": {
"VCD": {
"OrgVdcIdentifier": "'+RecoveryOrgVdcIdentifier+'"
"Vms": [
"Recovery": {
"VCD": {
"StoragePolicyIdentifier": "string content"
"VmIdentifier": "string content"
Parameter |
Description |
Mandatory |
Default |
Basic |
Name |
The name of the VPG. |
Yes |
ProtectedSiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be protected. This is the site where the API runs. |
Current site |
RecoverySiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be recovered. |
Yes |
ServiceProfileIdentifier |
The identifier of the service profile to use for the VPG when a Zerto Cloud Manager is used. |
Yes (for ZCM) |
Networks |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
None |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for testing failover. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
None |
Recovery |
OrgVdcIdentifier |
Yes |
Vms |
VmIdentifier |
The identifier of the protected VMs. |
Yes |
Response In Json Format
The response body is empty.
Get a Full VPG Template
After you add the values to the basic parameters, run this API to receive a more detailed template. The detailed template includes sub-parameters of the parameters to which you added values. Add values to the sub-parameters using the PUT API. See Add Values in the Empty VPG Template.
Method |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{VpgSettingsIdentifier} |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
Request Body Using Json Format
Request Body Using Json Format
The request body is empty.
Response In Json Format
The following is an example vCD response Json body.
"Basic": {
"JournalHistoryInHours": 24,
"Name": "String Content",
"Priority": "String Content",
"ProtectedSiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RecoverySiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RpoInSeconds": 300,
"ServiceProfileIdentifier": "string content"
"TestIntervalInMinutes": 262080,
"UseWanCompression": Boolean, },
"Journal": {
"Limitation": {
"HardLimitInMB": 153600,
"HardLimitInPercent": 0,
"WarningThresholdInMB": 115200,
"WarningThresholdInPercent": 0
"LongTermRetention": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"RepositoryIdentifier": "repositoryIdentifier",
"RetentionRunTime": "hh:mm",
"RetentionSchedulePolicy": {
"Daily": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Weekly": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"DayOfWeek": "Sunday..Saturday",
"RetentionType": "Full|Incremental",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"DayOfWeek: "Sunday..Saturday",
"WeekOfMonth": "First|Second|Third|Fourth|Last",
"DayOfMonth": "1..28|Last",
"RetentionType": "Full|Incremental",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Yearly": {
"Enabled": Boolean,
"DayOfWeek": "Sunday..Saturday",
"DayOfYear": "First|Last",
"MonthOfYear": "January..December",
"DayOfMonth": "1..31",
"RetentionDuration": {
"Count": "Integer",
"DurationType": "Days|Weeks|Months|Years"
"Retry": {
"Enabled": "Boolean",
"NumberOfAttempts": "Integer",
"IntervalInMinutes": "Integer"
"Indexing": {
"Vms": [ "VmIdentifier" ]
"Networks": {
"Failover": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"FailoverTest": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"Recovery": {
"VCD": {
"OrgVdcIdentifier": "String Content"
"Nics": [
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"NicIdentifier":"String content"
"VCD": {
"StoragePolicyIdentifier": "string content",
"VmIdentifier": "string content",
"IsSwap": Boolean,
"VCD": {
"IsThin": Boolean
"VolumeIdentifier":"String content"
"VpgIdentifier": "String Content",
"VpgSettingsIdentifier": "String Content"
Parameter |
Description |
Basic |
JournalHistoryInHours |
The time that all write commands are saved in the journal. The value is between 1 and 336 (14 days). |
Name |
The name of the VPG. |
Priority |
The priority specified for the VPG. Possible values are:
ProtectedSiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be protected. This is the site where the API runs. |
RecoverySiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be recovered. |
RpoInSeconds |
The maximum desired time between each automatic checkpoint being written to the journal before an alert is issued. |
ServiceProfileIdentifier |
The identifier of the service profile to use for the VPG when a Zerto Cloud Manager is used. |
TestIntervalInMinutes |
The time, in minutes, recommended between testing the integrity of the VPG. A warning is issued if a test is not done within this time frame. Possible values are:
UseWanCompression |
True: Data will be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. False: Data will not be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. |
Journal |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Networks |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
True: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Use this option to enable re-IPing the recovered virtual machines. False: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are not applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Re-Iping is not available. Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
Recovery |
OrgVcdIdentifier |
The identifier of an Org vDC. |
Vms |
Journal |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Nics |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
NicIdentifier |
The identifier of the NIC for which settings are returned. |
Recovery |
StoragePolicyIdentifier |
The identifier of the recovery storage policy. When the VmIdentifier is set, the StoragePolicyIdentifier is set by default. Default value is none or "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000." |
VmIdentifier |
The identifier of the virtual machine. The identifier comprises the server identifier and the virtual machine moref, with the format, serverid.more. |
Volumes |
Information about the volumes used by the virtual machine. |
IsSwap |
True: The recovery disk is marked as a temp data disk. False: The recovery disk is not marked as a temp data disk. |
IsThin |
True: The recovery volumes are thin-provisioned. False: The recovery volumes are not thin-provisioned. |
VolumeIdentifier |
The identifier of the volume. |
VpgIdentifier |
The VPG identifier will be specified if a VPG was already created in a previous session. |
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier received after running the following POST API: https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings |
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Edit Existing VPG Settings
The PUT method is used to update a VPG settings object.
Edit VPG settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier} |
Edit basic settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/basic |
Edit journal settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/journal |
Edit network settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/networks |
Edit VM settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms/{vmIdentifier} |
Edit NIC settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms/{vmIdentifier}/nics/{nicIdentifier} |
Edit volume settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms/{vmIdentifier}/volumes/{volumeId} |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
vpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier of the VPG settings object. |
vmIdentifier |
The identifier of the virtual machine. The identifier comprises the server identifier and the virtual machine moref, with the format, serverid.moref. |
nicIdentifier |
The identifier of a NIC that is to be updated. |
volumeId |
The identifier of the volume that is to be updated. |
Request Body Using Json Format
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}.
"Basic": {
"JournalHistoryInHours": 24,
"Name": "String Content",
"Priority": "String Content",
"ProtectedSiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RecoverySiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RpoInSeconds": 300,
"ServiceProfileIdentifier": "string content"
"TestIntervalInMinutes": 262080,
"UseWanCompression": Boolean, },
"Journal": {
"Limitation": {
"HardLimitInMB": 153600,
"HardLimitInPercent": 0,
"WarningThresholdInMB": 115200,
"WarningThresholdInPercent": 0
"Networks": {
"Failover": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"FailoverTest": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"Recovery": {
"VCD": {
"OrgVdcIdentifier": "String Content"
"Nics": [
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"NicIdentifier":"String content"
"VCD": {
"StoragePolicyIdentifier": "string content",
"VmIdentifier": "string content",
"IsSwap": Boolean,
"VCD": {
"IsThin": Boolean
"VolumeIdentifier":"String content"
"VpgIdentifier": "String Content",
"VpgSettingsIdentifier": "String Content"
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"Basic": {
"JournalHistoryInHours": 24,
"Name": "String Content",
"Priority": "String Content",
"ProtectedSiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RecoverySiteIdentifier": "String Content",
"RpoInSeconds": 300,
"ServiceProfileIdentifier": "string content"
"TestIntervalInMinutes": 262080,
"UseWanCompression": Boolean, },
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"Journal": {
"Limitation": {
"HardLimitInMB": 153600,
"HardLimitInPercent": 0,
"WarningThresholdInMB": 115200,
"WarningThresholdInPercent": 0
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"Networks": {
"Failover": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
"FailoverTest": {
"VCD": {
"IsEnableGuestCustomization": Boolean
"DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier": "string content"
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"Vms": [
"Nics": [
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"NicIdentifier":"String content"
"VCD": {
"StoragePolicyIdentifier": "string content",
"VmIdentifier": "string content",
"IsSwap": Boolean,
"VCD": {
"IsThin": Boolean
"VolumeIdentifier":"String content"
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"Nics": [
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"VCD": {
"IpAddress": null,
"IpMode": "int",
"IsConnected": Boolean,
"IsPrimary": Boolean
"IsResetMacAddress": Boolean
"RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier":"String content",
"NicIdentifier":"String content"
The following is an example of a request body in Json format for
"IsSwap": Boolean,
"VCD": {
"IsThin": Boolean
"VolumeIdentifier":"String content"
Request Values
Update a VPG settings object
Request values for https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings.
Parameter |
Description |
Basic |
JournalHistoryInHours |
The time that all write commands are saved in the journal. The value is between 1 and 336 (14 days). |
Name |
The name of the VPG. |
Priority |
The priority specified for the VPG. Possible values are:
ProtectedSiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be protected. This is the site where the API runs. |
RecoverySiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be recovered. |
RpoInSeconds |
The maximum desired time between each automatic checkpoint being written to the journal before an alert is issued. |
ServiceProfileIdentifier |
The identifier of the service profile to use for the VPG when a Zerto Cloud Manager is used. |
TestIntervalInMinutes |
The time, in minutes, recommended between testing the integrity of the VPG. A warning is issued if a test is not done within this time frame. Possible values are:
UseWanCompression |
True: Data will be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. False: Data will not be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. |
Journal |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Networks |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
True: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Use this option to enable re-IPing the recovered virtual machines. False: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are not applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Re-Iping is not available. Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. |
Recovery |
OrgVcdIdentifier |
The identifier of an Org vDC. |
Vms |
Journal |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Nics |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
NicIdentifier |
The identifier of the NIC for which settings are returned. |
Recovery |
The identifier of the recovery storage policy. When the VmIdentifier is set, the StoragePolicyIdentifier is set by default. |
The identifier of the virtual machine. The identifier comprises the server identifier and the virtual machine moref, with the format, serverid.more. |
Information about the volumes used by the virtual machine. |
IsSwap |
True: The recovery disk is marked as a temp data disk. False: The recovery disk is not marked as a temp data disk. |
IsThin |
True: The recovery volumes are thin-provisioned. False: The recovery volumes are not thin-provisioned. |
VolumeIdentifier |
The identifier of the volume. |
VpgIdentifier |
The VPG identifier will be specified if a VPG was already created in a previous session. |
VpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier received after running the following POST API: https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings |
Update the basic settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/basic.
Parameter |
Description |
Basic |
JournalHistoryInHours |
The time that all write commands are saved in the journal. The value is between 1 and 336 (14 days). |
Name |
The name of the VPG. |
Priority |
The priority specified for the VPG. Possible values are:
ProtectedSiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be protected. This is the site where the API runs. |
RecoverySiteIdentifier |
The identifier of the site where the VPG virtual machines will be recovered. |
RpoInSeconds |
The maximum desired time between each automatic checkpoint being written to the journal before an alert is issued. |
ServiceProfileIdentifier |
The identifier of the service profile to use for the VPG when a Zerto Cloud Manager is used. |
TestIntervalInMinutes |
The time, in minutes, recommended between testing the integrity of the VPG. A warning is issued if a test is not done within this time frame. Possible values are:
UseWanCompression |
True: Data will be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. False: Data will not be compressed before sending it to the recovery site. |
Update the journal settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/journal.
Parameter |
Description |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Update the network settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/networks.
Parameter |
Description |
Networks |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
True: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Use this option to enable re-IPing the recovered virtual machines. False: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are not applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Re-Iping is not available. Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test. |
IsEnableGuestCustomization |
True: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Use this option to enable re-IPing the recovered virtual machines. False: The computer name and network settings configured for this virtual machine are not applied to its Guest OS when the virtual machine is powered on. Re-Iping is not available. Note: The same value should be set for both failover and failover test. |
DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the default recovery settings applied to every virtual machine in the VPG. When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, DefaultRecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default. |
Update the virtual machine settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for
Parameter |
Description |
Vms |
Journal |
Limitation |
Information about the journal limitations. |
HardLimitInMB |
The maximum journal size in MBs. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
HardLimitInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size the journal can grow to. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInMB |
The journal size, in MBs, that generates a warning that the journal is nearing its hard limit. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
WarningThresholdInPercent |
The percentage of the virtual machine volume size that generates a warning. 0 means unlimited. Integer values. |
Nics |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
NicIdentifier |
The identifier of the NIC for which settings are returned. |
Recovery |
StoragePolicyIdentifier |
The identifier of the recovery storage policy. When the VmIdentifier is set, the StoragePolicyIdentifier is set by default. |
VmIdentifier |
The identifier of the virtual machine. The identifier comprises the server identifier and the virtual machine moref, with the format, serverid.more. |
Volumes |
Information about the volumes used by the virtual machine. |
IsSwap |
True: The recovery disk is marked as a temp data disk. False: The recovery disk is not marked as a temp data disk. |
IsThin |
True: The recovery volumes are thin-provisioned. False: The recovery volumes are not thin-provisioned. |
VolumeIdentifier |
The identifier of the volume. |
Update the virtual machine settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for
Parameter |
Description |
Nics |
Failover |
Information about the networks used for failover by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is therecovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
FailoverTest |
Information about the networks used for failover test by this virtual machine. |
IpMode |
The IP mode. Possible values are:
IsConnected |
True: Is NIC connected False: Is NIC not connected. |
IsPrimary |
True: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is the primary. False: The DNS server that handles Internet protocol mapping is not the primary. |
IsResetMacAddress |
True: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will be copied to the recovery site. False: The Media Access Control (MAC) address used on the protected site will not be copied to the recovery site. |
RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier |
The identifier of the Org vDC network. This is the recovery settings applied to the virtual machine When OrgVdcIdentifier is set, RecoveryOrgVdcNetworkIdentifier is set by default |
Update the virtual machine settings in a VPG settings object
Request values for
Parameter |
Description |
VmIdentifier |
The identifier of the virtual machine. The identifier comprises the server identifier and the virtual machine moref, with the format, serverid.more. |
Volumes |
Information about the volumes used by the virtual machine. |
IsSwap |
True: The recovery disk is marked as a temp data disk. False: The recovery disk is not marked as a temp data disk. |
IsThin |
True: The recovery volumes are thin-provisioned. False: The recovery volumes are not thin-provisioned. |
VolumeIdentifier |
The identifier of the volume. |
Response Format
The response bodies are empty.
Delete Existing VPG Settings
Delete all or part of the VPG settings object.
Note: Mandatory parameters that do not have a default value must be set using the PUT command after using the Delete option.
Delete a VPG settings object |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier} |
Delete basic settings from a VPG |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/basic |
Delete journal settings from a VPG |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/journal |
Delete network settings from a VPG |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/networks |
Delete recovery settings from a VPG |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/recovery |
Delete a VM from a VPG |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms/{vmIdentifier} |
Reset NIC settings object to Default |
https://zvm_ip:port/v1/vpgSettings/{vpgSettingsIdentifier}/vms/{vmIdentifier}/nics/{nicIdentifier} |
zvm_ip |
The IP address of the Zerto Virtual Manager where the API is run. |
port |
The port to access the Zerto Virtual Manager. The default port is 9669. |
vpgSettingsIdentifier |
The identifier of the VPG settings object. |
Request Body Using Json Format
The request bodies are empty.
Response Format
The response bodies are empty.